
Small Group Activities a Real Hit

June 3, 2020

While we haven’t been able to have our large gatherings and activities such as Happy Hour, our team has been able to run smaller group activities based on interests.

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Pictured above: Alex begins a Quiz session as Grace watches on.

Residents have been enjoying spontaneously organised activities, based on their requests for the day in each of their houses.

The most popular small group activities have been Quiz, Word games, and Movie Matinees, with Craft activities also remaining a solid favourite.

By sculpting each day based on an individual’s preference on what they would like to do, staff is able to provide a truly person-centered approach to each day, helping residents live life their way.

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Quiz sessions are a great way to get conversations going. Pictured above are Ann and Peggy having a friendly chat.

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Pictured above is June, during one of the sessions.

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Pictured above: Residents Rodney and Sally have a game of cards together in the lounge.