
Meet Rumesh, Brighton’s Very Own ‘Knight’

July 1, 2022

Rumesh planned to become a doctor, but life had another idea. And he likes it so much better.

Meet Rumesh. Our new Executive Officer of Aged Care and Seniors Living at Mayflower Brighton. But, Rumesh isn’t new to us, he joined the Mayflower Community during the height of the pandemic.

Pictured above: Rumesh loves nursing, and the difference he can make in residents’ lives. “We get to do so much with people who need our care - it’s more than looking after their health, we are doing whatever we can to give them the best possible quality of life.”

Rumesh was born in Sri Lanka, and attributes his love of caring for seniors to growing up with his grandparents,

“I was raised mostly with my grandparents, who looked after me while my mum and dad went to work,” says Rumesh, “So I really enjoy spending time with elderly people. Chatting with our residents makes my day.”

Arriving in Australia when he was just 21, Rumesh planned to complete his nursing studies and later become a doctor.

“I was always passionate about medical work,” he says, “I wanted to be a doctor and complete my MBBS after I finished nursing.”

But life had other plans for Rumesh, and he quickly found nursing was incredibly rewarding.

Rumesh loves nursing, and the difference he can make in residents’ lives.

“We get to do so much with people who need our care - it’s more than looking after their health, we are doing whatever we can to give them the best possible quality of life.”

“You can put a smile on their face just by having a chat, a cuppa, or going for a walk. Our job is very much about human connection, and I’m very grateful for that.”

He also loves his team, and likes to be on the floor to maintain connections and understand what is happening.

“I love how all our people come together – our carers, nurses, cleaners, and chefs – they work as a team, helping each other to deliver the best care.”

Rumesh genuinely stands by the sometimes cliché ‘open-door policy’.

“I always keep my door open whenever I am available, so families, residents and team members can feel comfortable dropping by to talk to me,” he says.

Walking into Rumesh’s office, you might be surprised to see another familiar face you weren’t expecting.

Rumesh is a big fan of the ‘Dark Knight’, also known as Batman. Batman stands ready to defend all that is good, and even features on his computer wallpaper.

“I love Batman, I even thought about getting him tattooed on me, but thankfully I thought it through first,” says Rumesh.

And the action figure? That was liberated from his five-year-old son, Radin.

“He hasn’t noticed it missing yet,” laughs Rumesh.

Pictured above: Rumesh spends time with Jackie having a chat, in the lounge, “You can put a smile on their face just by having a chat, a cuppa, or going for a walk. Our job is very much about human connection, and I’m very grateful for that.”

Pictured above: Rumesh is a big fan of the ‘Dark Knight’, also known as Batman. Batman stands ready to defend all that is good, and even features on his computer wallpaper.