
How Home Care Improves Quality of Life for the Whole Family

February 18, 2022

When an older person in the family starts to need some support with personal care or maintaining their home, loved ones often divide up the tasks.

As time goes by, those responsibilities can begin to add up. In some instances, family members have little time left for themselves.

One solution that can improve quality of life for both the older adult and their family is in-home care services. Having aged care services at home gives Family members the opportunity to enjoy more quality time together, without the pressure of household or personal care duties.

an older woman, drinking a cup of tea, and a younger woman both sitting outdoors reading a book.

Benefits of Home Care Services

Home care can help make life easier in a variety of ways for older people and their family members.

Some of the key benefits include:

  • Support personal needs: With the assistance of a professional personal care assistant, an older person can maintain their grooming and hygiene in a dignified manner. This can help spare the feelings of discomfort or shame that may arise when family members are responsible for assisting with personal care needs.
  • Providing domestic assistance: It can become a burden on family members when they have to complete a list of chores every time  they visit, like household cleaning or grocery shopping. Engaging the services of a home care provider means that family visits can be about catching up and enjoying each other's company.
  • Deliver peace of mind: A care provider from a home care agency can coordinate with your loved ones, GP, and other medical practitioners. This may you to help identify small health challenges before they become big ones. The carer can also give medication reminders, provide wound care, and help with other types of clinical care.
  • Ensure well-balanced nutrition: From menu planning to grocery shopping, meal preparation, and doing the dishes, aged care services at home can ensure that a satisfying and healthy diet is being consumed. Good nutrition is a key part of ageing well.
  • Give family members a break: While caring for an elderly loved one is rewarding, it can also be demanding. In home respite care is among the most popular services offered by home care agencies. You can use them when you need a break, or to take a holiday away.

How to Pay for In-Home Care

We understand that your budget might be limited. That's why it's good to know that private resources aren't the only option to pay for home care. Government-funded Home Care Packages (HCPs) are also available for many Australians.

There are four levels of Home Care Packages. They range from lower-level 1 and 2 packages to help with basic support to higher-level 3 and 4 packages for people who require more intensive in home aged care. The government will conduct an assessment to determine which package is best for the ageing person. once you have been assessed and approved for a homecare package, you can start looking for the best home care package providers.

Call Mayflower's home care team on 1300 522 273 to learn more or to schedule an assessment of your in-home care needs.