
Embracing Ageing: An Inspiring Visit from Gerald Quigley to Mayflower Retirement Village

July 3, 2024

A delightful afternoon unfolded at Mayflower Retirement Village in early June as residents welcomed Gerald Quigley B.Pharm M.H. for an engaging presentation on “Growing Older Healthily, and Retaining Quality of Life.” Gerald, a well-known pharmacist, and master herbalist, captivated the audience with his insights and advice on embracing the ageing process with vitality and optimism.

Who is Gerald Quigley?

Gerald Quigley is not just a health expert but a prominent media health commentator, heard regularly on numerous radio stations across Australia. Each Thursday morning, he enlightens listeners on Australia Overnight, part of the Nine Radio network, and co-hosts the popular House of Wellness radio program every Sunday. With his vast experience and passionate approach, Gerald has become a trusted voice in the fields of natural therapy and herbal medicine. He is a Fellow of both the Naturopaths and Herbalists Association of Australia and the Australian Natural Therapists Association.


Insights into ageing well.

The presentation at Mayflower Retirement Village was both enlightening and encouraging. Gerald's key message was clear: while we can't avoid getting older, we can certainly embrace it with a positive attitude and informed choices. He emphasised the importance of understanding wellness, making wise food choices, and recognising the role of inflammation as a significant factor in chronic disease. Gerald's holistic approach to health focuses on empowering individuals to make sensible decisions that enhance their quality of life, rather than just managing symptoms through the traditional "illness system."

The audience was highly engaged throughout Gerald's talk, eagerly participating in a lively question and answer session. Residents sought his advice on various health concerns, reflecting a shared desire to improve their well-being. Gerald’s responses were insightful, demonstrating his deep knowledge and genuine commitment to helping others live well.

3 cupcakes in a row.

Afternoon tea and reflection.

Following the presentation, residents enjoyed a jovial afternoon tea, providing the perfect opportunity to discuss the valuable information shared and to socialise in a relaxed setting. The room was filled with excitement and positivity, reflecting the uplifting nature of Gerald's visit.

Gerald Quigley’s visit to Mayflower independent living residents was more than just a talk; it was a reminder of the power of knowledge in maintaining a healthy, fulfilling life as we age. His passion for empowering individuals and his practical advice on ageing well left a lasting impression on all who attended. Residents left the session feeling inspired and better equipped to embrace the future with a sense of confidence and vitality.

Older Couple Sitting outdoors at a cafe.

Find out more about Mayflower retirement living.